证 明
张三,学号:XXXXXX,男,生于 19XX 年 XX 月 XX 日,现为我校XXX学院 XXX专业硕士研究生,学制3年,入学时间为 20XX年 X月,预计将于 20XX 年 X 月毕业。截至201×年7月1日,平均绩点为3.6/4.0。
备注:平均绩点等于绩点成绩与学分的乘积之和除以学分之和。百分制成绩转换为绩点的方式为:绩点成绩=4-3(100-X)2/1600 (60≦X≦100),其中X为课程百分制分数, 100分绩点为4,60分绩点为1,60分以下绩点为0。五级制成绩转换为绩点的方式为:优秀=3.95;良好=3.58;中等=2.83;及格=1.70;不及格=0。
This is to certify that Mr. Zhang San (Male, Student ID: XXXXXXXX, Date of Birth: XXXXXX) is a graduate student of XXXXXXX at XXXXX, Beijing Normal University. He was enrolled into a three-year master degree program in XXXX and he will graduate in XXXX. By the end of Jun. 1th, 201*,the student’s GPA is 3.6 / 4.0.
The conversion between>Points = 4-3 (100-X) 2/1600 (60 ≦ X ≦ 100), of which X is the Hundred Mark, and 100 corresponds to 4, 60 corresponds to 1, below 60 corresponds to 0.
The conversion between five-level mark system and the grade point is:Excellent = 3.95; Good = 3.58; Satisfactory = 2.83; Pass = 1.70; Fail = 0.
Provost’s Office and Academic Affairs (Graduate School)