附件:学院、专业中英文对照 | |
矿业与安全工程学院 | College of Mining and Safety Engineering |
资源与环境工程学院 | College of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering |
采矿工程 | Mining Engineering |
安全工程 | Safety Engineering |
工业工程 | Industrial Engineering |
工程力学 | Engineering Mechanics |
理论与应用力学 | Theoretical and Applied Mechanics |
测绘与空间信息学院 | College of Geodesy and Geomatics |
测绘工程 | Geomatics Engineering |
资源环境与城乡规划管理 | Urban and Rural Planning & Resource Management |
自然地理与资源环境 | Physical Geography and Resources Environment |
人文地理与城乡规划 | Human Geography and Urban Planning |
地理信息系统 | Geographical Information System |
地理信息科学 | Geographical Information Science |
遥感科学与技术 | Remote Sensing Science and Technology |
地球科学与工程学院 | College of Earth Science and Engineering |
地质科学与工程学院 | College of Geosciences and Technology |
地质工程 | Geological Engineering |
水文与水资源工程 | Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering |
地球物理学 | Geophysics |
勘查技术与工程 | Prospecting Techniques and Engineering Program |
资源勘查工程 | Geological Resources Exploration Engineering |
土木工程与建筑学院 | College of Civil Engineering and Architecture |
土木建筑学院 | College of Civil Engineering and Architecture |
土木工程 | Civil Engineering |
建筑环境与设备工程 | Building Environment and Equipment Engineering |
建筑环境与能源应用工程 | Building Environment and Energy Engineering |
城市规划 | Urban Planning |
城乡规划 | Urban and Rural Planning |
工程管理 | Engineering Management |
建筑学 | Architecture |
水利水电工程 | Undergraduate Program for Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering |
城市地下空间工程 | Urban Underground Space Engineering |
机械电子工程学院 | College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering |
机械设计制造及其自动化 | Machine Design & Manufacturing and Automation |
过程装备与控制工程 | Process Equipment and Control Engineering |
机械电子工程 | Mechatronic Engineering |
热能与动力工程 | Thermal Energy and Power Engineering |
能源与动力工程 | Energy and Power Engineering |
材料成型及控制工程 | Material Processing and Control Engineering |
机械类 | Machinery Majors |
计算机科学与工程学院 | College of Computer Science and Engineering |
信息科学与工程学院 | College of Information Science and Engineering |
计算机科学与技术 | Computer Science and Technology |
软件工程 | Software Engineering |
数字媒体技术 | Digital Media Technology |
物联网工程 | Internet of Things Engineering |
信息管理与信息系统 | Information Management and Information System |
网络工程 | Network Engineering |
信息安全 | Information Security |
数学与系统科学学院 | College of Mathematics and Systems Science |
数学与应用数学 | Mathematics and Applied Mathematics |
信息与计算科学 | Information and Computing Science |
教育技术学 | Educational Technology |
统计学 | Statistics |
经济管理学院 | College of Economics and Management |
会计学 | Accounting |
工商管理 | Business Administration |
国际经济与贸易 | International Economics & Trade |
电子商务 | Electronic Business |
财政学 | Public Finance |
金融学 | Finance and Banking |
物流管理 | Logistics Management |
电气与自动化工程学院 | College of Electrical Engineering and Automation |
自动化 | Automation |
电气工程及其自动化 | Electrical Engineering and Automation |
电子信息工程学院 | College of Electronic and Information Engineering |
电子通信与物理学院 | College of Electronics, Communication and Physics |
电子信息工程 | Electronic and Information Engineering |
电子信息科学与技术 | Electronic and Information Science and Technology |
通信工程 | Telecommunication Engineering |
生物医学工程 | Biomedical Engineering |
应用物理学 | Applied Physics |
化学与生物工程学院 | College of Chemical and Biological Engineering |
化学工程与工艺 | Chemical Engineering and Technology |
矿物加工工程 | Mineral Processing |
生物工程 | Bioengineering |
应用化学 | Applied Chemistry |
材料科学与工程学院 | College of Materials Science and Engineering |
金属材料工程 | Metallic Materials Engineering |
无机非金属材料工程 | Inorganic Non-metallic Materials Engineering |
高分子材料与工程 | Polymer Materials and Engineering |
材料化学 | Material Chemistry |
交通学院 | College of Transportation |
交通工程 | Traffic Engineering |
交通运输 | Traffic and Transportation |
物流工程 | Logistics Engineering |
车辆工程 | Vehicle Engineering |
文法学院 | College of Humanities and Law |
法学 | Law |
广告学 | Advertising |
行政管理 | Undergraduate Administration |
汉语言文学 | Chinese Language and Literature |
文秘教育 | Secretarial Education |
秘书学 | Secretary Science |
新闻传播学类 | Journalism & Communication |
外国语学院 | College of Foreign Languages |
英语 | English |
日语 | Japanese |
朝鲜语 | Korean |
艺术与设计学院 | College of Arts and Design |
音乐学 | Music Performance |
视觉传达设计 | Visual Communication Design |
环境设计 | Training Scheme of Environmental Design |
产品设计 | Product Design |
工业设计 | Industrial Design |
艺术设计 | Artistic Designing |
广告学 | Advertising |
海洋科学与工程学院 | College of Ocean Science and Engineering |
海洋技术 | Marine Technology |
测控技术与仪器 | Measuring & Control Technology and Instrumentations |
安全与环境工程学院(安全与应急管理学院) | College of Safety and Environmental Engineering(College of Safety and Emergency Management) |
安全工程 | Safety Engineering |
环境工程 | Environmental Engineering |
环境科学 | Environmental Science |
环境工程(海洋环境方向) | Environmental Engineering |
泰安校区 | |
工程造价 | Engineering Cost |
信息工程 | Information Engineering |
人力资源管理 | Human Resource Management |
电气工程与智能控制 | Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Control |
国际商务 | International Business |
信息与电气工程学院 | College of Information and Electrical Engineering |
理学院 | College of Science |
继续教育学院 | College of Continuing Education |
泰山科技学院 | Taishan College of Science and Technology |
国际交流学院 | College of International Exchange |
学科门类 | |
工学 | Engineering |
理学 | Natural Science |
艺术学 | Arts |
管理学 | Management Sciences |
经济学 | Economics Sciences |
法学 | Law |
文学 | Literature |