1. 同济大学本科生课程成绩按五级制评定,课程成绩、成绩等级、课程绩点和百分制成绩折算值的对应关系如下:
It is hereby certified that thegrading system of undergraduates in Tongji University isdivided into five categories. The corresponding relationship between coursegrade, academic grade, grade point and equivalent scoreon a 100-point basis is as follows:
课程成绩 Course Grade | 成绩等级 Academic Grade | 课程绩点 Grade Point | 百分制成绩区间 Score Range On a 100-point Basis | 百分制成绩折算值 Equivalent Score on a 100-point Basis |
优 Excellent | A | 5 | 89.5-100 | 95 |
良 Good | B | 4 | 79.5-89.4 | 85 |
中 Fair | C | 3 | 69.5-79.4 | 75 |
及格 Pass | D | 2 | 59.5-69.4 | 65 |
不及格 Failed | F | 0 | 0-59.4 | 30 |
2. 平均绩点计算办法为:平均绩点=Σ(课程学分×课程绩点)÷Σ课程学分。表中全部课程成绩均纳入平均绩点的计算范围。
GPA is derived asfollows:
GPA =∑(course credits ×course grade points)÷ ∑course credits. All scores listed in thetranscript are included in the GPA calculation.
3. 全部课程的百分制平均成绩按以下公式折算:全部课程的百分制平均成绩=Σ(课程百分制成绩折算值×课程学分)÷Σ(课程学分)。
The total average scoreon a 100-point basis is calculated by applying the following formula:
Total average score on a 100-point basis= ∑(equivalentscores on a 100-point basis × course credits) ÷∑(course credits)
“*”in English Undergraduate Student's Academic Record refers to “delayed exam”.
Undergraduate School of Tongji University