2023-08-31 11:38:32574
This is to certify that Mr.⑴/ Miss⑴,born on⑵, has been enrolled as an undergraduate student majoring in ⑶in college of ⑷ in⑸. It’s a full-time ⑹-year program leading to a Bachelor’s Degree. ⑺student number is⑻, ⑼ has completed all the required courses of the ⑽ term, ⑾ year.
It is hereby to certify.
Office of Academic Affairs
Nanjing Normal University
Date: ⑿
填写说明: ⑴ 姓名拼音 ⑵ 出生年月日 ⑶专业方向 ⑷院系名称 ⑸入学年份 ⑹学制年数⑺His或Her⑻学号⑼he或she ⑽ first或second ⑾ first,second,third,fourth,fifth ⑿日期